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The Classical Connection (ISSN 2994-9262 Online) is a journal dedicated to engaging with the Great Conversation of Western civilization, not as mere observers but as active participants in a living dialogue that transcends time and borders. We explore the intersection of modern and classical thought, seeking to weave the wisdom of the past with the vibrant insights of the present. Our mission is to provide a platform that allows scholars and thinkers to contribute to this ongoing conversation, revitalizing age-old principles and connecting them to contemporary issues. By bridging the gap between the then and now, we hope to inspire a new generation of thinkers who recognize that the conversation has not ended, nor should it. We welcome submissions from all disciplines, encouraging interdisciplinary perspectives that resonate with both tradition and innovation. The Classical Connection stands as a testament to the enduring power of intellectual exploration, inviting you to join us in the continuous journey of understanding and discovery.


The Classical Connection seeks to revive the art of constructive academic dialogue. Guided by our Christian heritage, we prioritize adding meaning to the world, embracing ambition, and fostering intellectual generosity. We aspire to create a space where enchantment replaces disenchantment, where insight and wisdom are celebrated over hyper-specialization, and where the intellectual discourse is flexible and vibrant. Our goal is to publish works that contribute to the Great Conversation of Western civilization, allowing authors to engage openly with ideas that shape our understanding of the world.

Church Windows


We envision an academic community where the spirit of charity and collaboration thrives. The Classical Connection aims to be a beacon for scholars and thinkers willing to explore beyond the rigid confines of contemporary academia. We strive to foster a rich environment that encourages risk-taking, generalization, and the willingness to delve into the core ideas that have shaped our civilization. By embracing both tradition and innovation, we hope to forge a new path in academic publishing—one that not only comments on the ongoing conversation but actively contributes to it, building bridges between past wisdom and present insights. Together, we seek to reinvent academic discourse, transforming it into a lively, enriching, and meaningful pursuit.

Ancient Ruins

Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief: Peter Leavell

Managing Editor: Michael Barros

Specialty Editor: Joshua Snell

Editorial Board


All papers in The Classical Connection are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share-Alike License. For more information please visi:


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